W12 Multiple ALTER TABLE statements where one will do


Triggered when: Multiple ALTER TABLE statements targets the same table.

Effect: If the statements require table scans, there will be more scans than necessary.

Workaround: Combine the statements into one, separating the action with commas.

Detected by: eugene lint

Problematic migration

-- 1.sql
create table authors(
    id integer generated always as identity
        primary key,
    name text,
    email text

-- 2.sql
set lock_timeout = '2s';
alter table authors
    alter column name set not null;
-- eugene: ignore E2, E4
alter table authors
    alter column email set not null;

Safer migration

-- 1.sql
create table authors(
    id integer generated always as identity
        primary key,
    name text,
    email text

-- 2.sql
set lock_timeout = '2s';
-- eugene: ignore E2
alter table authors
  alter column name set not null,
  alter column email set not null;

Eugene report examples