Eugene 🔒 lint report of examples/W13/bad/1.sql

This is a human readable SQL script safety report generated by eugene. Keep in mind that lints can be ignored by adding a -- eugene: ignore E123 comment to the SQL statement or by passing --ignore E123 on the command line.

The migration script did not pass all the checks ❌

Statement number 1


-- 1.sql
create type document_type
    as enum ('invoice', 'receipt', 'other')


Creating an enum

ID: W13

A new enum was created. Removing values from an enum requires difficult migrations, and associating more data with an enum value is difficult. A safer way is: Use a foreign key to a lookup table instead.

Created enum document_type. Enumerated types are not recommended for use in new applications. Consider using a foreign key to a lookup table instead..

Statement number 2


create table document (
    id int generated always as identity
        primary key,
    type document_type

No checks matched for this statement. ✅